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Interesting discussions with Visionaries, Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Smart Business people!


                              companies are selected from all sizes including publicly traded through middle-market through early-stage.  Each Israel-facing company has an extraordinary product / service and story about how they are actively changing the market.

This is a unique opportunity for ultra 'wow-factor' companies to be seen by decision making, top business executives.


Presenters are the CEO, CTO, or Founder who can rapidly explain their cool application.


Attendees in the audience are CEOs, CIOs, entrepreneurs, VCs, Private Equity firms, and financiers of companies seeking business opportunities.

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You can use the large-screen displays from the stage facing the audience. 

  • Focus on your application / product to express the market you are addressing, the need it serves, and how it works.

  • The presentation should have a 'wow' factor.

  • Describe what inspired you to develop your application.

  • Fast paced for 5 minutes, from set-up to close.

Stand Out by applying for                           to give your company an opportunity to uniquely be seen and heard.
Applications are reviewed in the order received. Spaces are limited. We have room for only a select number of remarkable and fascinating companies. 
Click here to Participate.
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Extras! - Additional Benefits for Companies in                           :

  • Presentation by company CEO before the entire audience from the main-stage.

  • Company logo and description in Conference brochure, Conference website with click-through to your company, press releases, and editorials.

  • 2 tickets

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